When it comes to gay marriage, America is moving in a direction of growing acceptance while Kentucky remains steadfastly opposed.National figures show a majority in the country back the idea, which has changed at a rapid pace in the past decade.Rhode Island took a historic step and is set to become the 10th state to legalize same-sex marriage. A new lobbying group founded by prominent conservative donor Paul Singer is pushing for gay marriage legislation as more Republicans join the cause to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act.Even two prominent Kentucky Democrats—Auditor Adam Edelen and Lt. Gov. Jerry Abramson—came out in favor or marriage equality.But new poll numbers indicate Kentuckians are still overwhelmingly against same-sex couples getting hitched with 65 percent opposed. The opposition isn't based on political party either because the PPP survey shows 54 percent of Democratic voters are against the idea.Despite national trends, when left up to the voters gay marriage usually fails and sometimes populations have violent reactions to extending marriage benefits.Last year, North Carolina voted to ban it by 61 percent joining 37 other states that ban gay marriage either through ballot initiatives or current state law.InFrance, anti-gay marriage riots broke out when the country legalized it.From NPR: