Legislative pension reform is moving forward in the Kentucky General Assembly.The Kentucky state Senate passed Senate Bill 7 today, which would prevent future members of the General Assembly from participating in the Kentucky Employees Retirement System unless they participated in the Kentucky Employees Retirement System as a member of the General Assembly prior to July 1, 2013.State Senate President Robert Stivers, a Republican from Manchester, says that this is the fourth time since 2005 that the state senate has passed measures on reform."So when people criticize us, members of the Senate, Republican or Democrat, that we have done something and not tried to correct it, that's false. That's totally false," he says.Stivers defended his position in the Senate, saying that he didn't get involved in politics for a pension and expressed his concern at the possibility of being misrepresented by the press."If it does not pass, it is not our fault. it is the chamber at the other end of this building who has stopped it for four times," said Stivers. "Now I'm looking down here, not at my colleagues in the senate, but I'm looking at the people in the press row to see what they're going to report tomorrow."Senate Bill 7 passed 37-0 and now moves to the state House of Representatives.