United Kentucky Tea Party is blaming Republican U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell for stalling a bill in the General Assembly that would have allowed Kentucky's military service members to vote electronically while overseas. The legislation was spearheaded by Democratic Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes and backed by Republican state Senate President Robert Stivers. In January, Stivers told WFPL Frankfort Bureau Chief Kenny Colston he wanted the bill to pass quickly. But at a committee meeting this week, Stivers urged an amendment that weakened the measure.
From The Lexington Herald-Leader:
UKTP has deep concerns surrounding minority leader in the US Senate Mitch McConnell injecting himself into the Kentucky state senate legislative process, to of all things complicate, delay and possible cause the votes of our proud military men and women to not be counted in future election. UKTP would hope McConnell as leader of the senate minority would focus like a laser on "solving the biggest problem confronting our country that’s our spending addiction" as he is so frequently reminding us all along the GOP Lincoln Day dinner circuit each weekend. United Kentucky Tea Party hopes the Republican led state senate will support the right of our troops to have their votes counted and support SB 1.