In a fundraiser e-mail, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell's re-election campaign is warning Kentuckians that President Obama and Senate Democrats are "coming for your guns" and undermining the Second Amendment."You and I are literally surrounded. The gun-grabbers in the Senate are about to launch an all-out-assault on the Second Amendment. On your rights. On your freedom," McConnell campaign manager Jesse Benton said in the January 20 e-mail.Last week, the president unveiled a legislative package that he urged Congress to pass in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary school massacre. It includes a ban on assault weapons and armor piercing bullets, universal background checks and a 10-round limit on ammunition magazines.McConnell's message rips the White House proposals as a "thinly-veiled" scheme and pledges that he will oppose them, including Obama's 23 different executive actions he signed last week."Our Founders fought a revolution to secure our rights. They would have been appalled by what they heard from an American president the other day. President Obama has the left wing media in a frenzy," says Benton. "The gun-grabbers are in full battle mode. And they are serious."The president has said he is not seeking to infringe on the Second Amendment, and warned that opponents would characterize his push as an attack on liberty. A number of Democrats and supporters have praised the effort as bold, and observers have called the Obama administration's plans the most sweeping gun control proposals in generations.But gun rights leaders have made it clear they will oppose them in Congress.The McConnell campaign e-mail follows a robo-call message that was sent out across the state this weekend, in which the GOP leader vowed to do everything "in my power as Senate Republican leader, fighting tooth and nail, to protect your Second Amendment rights."Obama's various measures are estimated to cost approximately $500 million.