There are lots of ways to dispose of your Christmas tree this year. If you leave it on your curb and live in the Urban Services District, Metro Government will pick it up. If you bring it to one of several different locations, you can watch it be recycled into mulch. Or, you can drive it to one of 20 drop-off locations around the state and donate your tree to be used for a fish habitat.Yes, a fish habitat.The Kentucky Division of Fish and Wildlife is collecting the used trees to deposit in lakes. Joseph Zimmerman is an environmental biologist with the division.“Some of our lakes, as they age, the habitat becomes degraded and breaks down,” he said. “And we’re simply trying to replenish that with these Christmas trees.”The trees provide refuge for fish, and attract algae, which feeds the fish. The Division of Fish and Wildlife also publishes where these Christmas trees are in lakes, so fishermen can increase their catch by fishing around the habitats.Here's a list of the locationswhere Fish and Wildlife is accepting Christmas trees.And if you want to turn your Christmas tree into mulch instead, here's a list of locations.