Kentucky veterans suffering from substance abuse who are charged with crimes will soon be able to enter a treatment program through a new statewide partnership.The Veterans Treatment Court is starting in Louisville. It’s a partnership by the statewide drug courts, Morehead State University and the veterans’ administration.A majority of veterans who commit crimes after ending their active duty do so because of substance abuse, District Judge David Holton said. So the state is setting up special courts to help.Any veteran accused of a crime that isn’t violent or sexual will be allowed to enter a rigorous program of treatment.“This is not a get out jail free card, this is not a free pass, but instead it’s an opportunity for these men and women to get their lives back together,” Holton said.Holton said areas near Fort Knox and Fort Campbell are interested in starting Veterans Treatment Courts, as well as as well as Lexington courts.The Louisville treatment court will start on November 13.