WASHINGTON (AP) — A prominent gay Republican group is hesitantly backing Mitt Romney for president, calling it the right decision for the nation even as it slams his opposition to gay marriage and civil unions.Log Cabin Republicans says it's supporting Romney to put America and the economy first, but is only offering him a "qualified endorsement." The group says it will focus its efforts instead on House and Senate candidates.In its endorsement, Log Cabin Republicans says Romney might not be the candidate for voters who prioritize gay and lesbian issues. The group has long been critical of Romney and says it will continue challenging his support for a federal amendment banning gay marriage.The group is also condemning aspects of the GOP platform that, quote, "work to exclude our families."Rep. Barney Frank, a retiring Massachusetts congressman who is openly gay, immediately issued a video statement via Mitt Gets Worse, a political project focused on gay and lesbian issues supported by American Bridge 21st Century and the Courage Campaign Super PAC. Watch below: