Jefferson County Public Schools students continue challenging themselves with Advanced Placement (AP) classes, but the results of their exams are mixed.Over the past decade the number of JCPS students taking at least one AP exam has slowly increased as well as the total number of exams taken. The state released its AP test data last week, which showed similar gains in both areas.But the results, which could earn students college credit, decreased in JCPS. Still, around half the tests taken earned college credit, which is on par with the state’s results.In JCPS, about half of the district’s high schools increased their passing rates while the other half saw decreases.Participation in AP exams by JCPS high school students this year increased by eight percent, to nearly 5,000 students.DuPont Manuel, Ballard and Eastern high schools are at the top of the pack for number of tests taken and passing rates. The three schools account for over half of the AP tests taken in JCPS.Western, Atherton and Central high schools all increased the number of tests taken and all saw increases in passing rates.