A new report out from Boston-based Synapse Energy Economics raises a question that doesn't seem to come up enough when talking about energy: what about water?The reportwas commissioned for the Civil Society Institute, a nonpartisan think tank that often focuses on energy and climate change. It looks at coal, nuclear, biomass, solar, wind and natural gas and analyzes the hidden costs of each type of energy--like the ways each affects water, climate change, air pollution and subsidaries.It concludes that in a time when water is becoming scarcer (just look to the droughts of this summer, and the perpetual problems in the Western United States), we're using a lot of water for energy. Biomass is the biggest water hog, using up to 100,000 gallons of water for 1 megawatt hour of electricity. Coal uses up to 50,000 gallons for the same energy production, and nuclear 60,000 gallons.From the release: