Louisville’s Landmarks Commission will hold its first designation hearing next week since the city changed the law regulating its landmarks process last month.The application, petition and fee have been submitted to list Cherokee Park's Hogan's Fountain Pavilion as a new landmark, but not everyone is on board.You might know the site if you’ve ever jogged Cherokee Park’s scenic loop. It’s the teepee-like shelter at the top of Bonnycastle Hill.In 2010 the group Save Hogan's Fountain Pavilion was formed after the city and the Olmsted Parks Conservancy proposed a plan to replace the structure with updated park shelters. The recommendations were drawn from a 1994 report--Master Plan for Louisville’s Olmsted Parks and Parkways--that called the teepee shelter “particularly obtrusive and oversized,” according to public documents.The teepee pavilion, while well known and liked among some residents, is not part of the Olmsted vision, according to Mimi Zinniel, president of Olmsted Parks Conservancy.The city delayed its plans, however, so the group could raise funds to restore the site. Asbestos recently discovered in the structure has delayed restoration and has upped the cost to renovate.The group remains confident that funding for the project will come through, said co-chair Lark Phillips. Fundraising efforts have brought in upwards of $45,000 so far, but treating the asbestos issues could cost as much as $28,000 more, said Phillips.Despite receiving thousands of dollars in donations, Zinniel said Olmsted Park Conservancy officials plan to speak against the designation next Monday.Concerns regarding changes to the landmarks designation process are not weighing heavily on the mind of Phillips. Most of the changes approved by the Metro Council this year will likely not affect the designation, she said. But the changes have made more people aware of the hearing.“Since this is a public property in the middle of a big public park they sent notices to every homeowner that lives in the periphery,” said Phillips.The Landmarks Commission will hold its hearing next Monday evening at 5:30 pm in the Old Jail Courtroom at 514 W. Liberty Street.