As Democrats head to Charlotte, North Carolina this week for the Democratic National Convention, many Kentucky delegates will be going for the first time.Auditor Adam Edelen is one of those first-timers. Edelen says he thinks his party will show why they truly are the best representatives and supporters of the middle class.Edelen says former President Bill Clinton will likely be the best messenger for that campaign at the convention.“I think he certainly has been the best champion for the middle class that we’ve seen in my lifetime. And I’m really excited about him setting the stage and talking about what’s at stake in this election because I think there’s an awful lot at stake,” he says.No Kentuckians are slated to give speeches from the convention stage, but Edelen says many, including himself, will be giving speeches to different groups throughout the week.Edelen’s schedule is full of speeches to Democratic groups when the convention floor isn’t in use.“We have a number of people who are playing critically important roles and I am happy there to do my bit to support my party going into the fall,” he says.One of those behind the scenes Kentuckians is Matthew Barzun, a former ambassador and chief fundraiser for President Barack Obama’s re-election.Edelen also says the president is one of the best orators in politics in recent memory and he expects Mr. Obama's speech to resonate as well. The convention will run until Thursday night, when the president accepts his party's nomination for his re-election.