In the 2012 presidential race Kentucky is assuredly in the Republican column, but President Barack Obama will be in the commonwealth briefly today—to visit Ohio. The president is scheduled to hold a campaign event in Cincinnati and Air Force One will touchdown in the city's airport, which is in Erlanger, Kentucky. According to the White House, Mr. Obama will outline a plan to restore the middle-class, paying down our debt and grow the national economy. As it has been chronicled since his ascendancy to the presidency, Obama has faired poorly in Kentucky and that arm's length relationship will continue through the fall campaign. The event will be held at the Music Hall Ballroom at 2:20 p.m. UPDATE: Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear greeted President Obama at the Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky International Airport. Last year, during his re-election bid, the governor kept Mr. Obama at arm's length. "I told him he was doing a great job, and that the campaign’s going well, and just keep it up. I think he’s on message, and I think he’s going to bring it home in the end," Beshear told The Cincinnati Enquirer. The two also had a follow-up conversation about plans to replace the 50-year-old Brent Spence Bridge that connects Kentucky to Ohio.