A Louisville lawmaker is again preparing to unveil legislation that he will introduce in next year's legislative session that would legalize marijuana for medical purposes.Louisville’s Democratic state Sen. Perry Clark has scheduled a press conference Thursday at 2 pm to promote what he has dubbed the "Gatewood Galbraith Medical Marijuana Memorial Act." “One of his favorite statements was it’s food, fuel, fiber and medicine and I think we’re finding that out from all the research and everything that we find," said Clark.The bill is similar to one that failed this past legislative session--SB 129--in honor of the late Lexington attorney who was the state's leading proponent of marijuana legalization. It would move marijuana to the list of Schedule 2 drugs that are allowed to be prescribed. “Schedule 1 drugs absolutely have no medicinal value, heroin, LSD, marijuana. Now there’s one of those that doesn’t belong. It’s like a Sesame Street question: Which one doesn’t belong. One of those doesn’t belong," said Clark.Galbraith, a perennial gubernatorial candidate, was also a proponent of lifting federal restrictions that prevent Kentucky farmers from growing industrial hemp.Clark said he is promoting his bill nearly six months before the next legislative session in hopes of building support for it. He acknowledges the bill lacks many provisions and regulatory structure that have been successful in other states, the point of his bill is to begin the dialogue, he said.