A lawyer has responded to two California representatives on behalf of three Kentucky mine operators.In June, Congressmen George Miller and Congresswoman Lynn Woolseysent a letter to Jack Ealy and Ralph Napier, the president and vice president of K and D Mining, as well as John North of Jackrock, LLC. They wanted the mine operators to submit a plan to pay the $1.568 million currently owed to the federal government for mine safety violations.In the response, Lexington attorney Billy Shelton calls into question the legitimacy of the violations incurred at K & D's Mine Number 17 in Harlan County. "As for the violations at K &D, my clients believe that many of the unwarrantable failure violations are not supported by facts and law," Shelton writes.He says the mine operators haven't paid the penalties, instead spending money on employees' salaries and benefits, as well as mine safety and other operational costs. And then he basically tells Miller and Woolsey not to expect the money anytime soon.