In an online video for the Indiana Senate race, Republican Richard Mourdock is going after Democrat Joe Donnelly by tying him to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nv., and President Obama.The 48-second spots goes after the congressman's votes in support of the bailout, stimulus package and Obama's health care overhaul. It marks the first official attack from the Mourdock campaign and demonstrates the president's unpopularity in Indiana this year."It's been a disaster," the narrator says. "Now Reid has the liberal ATM machine working overtime for Donnelly. Reid wants another loyal lieutenant to help implement the Obama agenda."Check it out:Observers have noted that Donnelly has tried to distance himself from the president, and has come out against Mr. Obama on gay marriage and currency policy towards China.The Indiana Senate race has been in the spotlight since Mourdock upset longtime Sen. Dick Lugar. According to Politico's sources, American Crossroads GPS is poised spend approximately half a million dollars in TV ads.UPDATE: Indiana Democrats are pushing back against the Mourdock ad, calling the part that says Donnelly wants to raise taxes on medical devices misleading.The 2.3 percent tax increase is part of the president's health care law, which Donnelly voted for two years ago. However, Democrats point out that Donnelly has opposed the tax and is co-sponsoring a repeal.