With the Indiana Republican primary a week away, incumbent Sen. Dick Lugar released a vicious new attack ad Tuesday, chastising challenger Richard Mourdock over his decision-making as state treasurer.The 30-second spot accuses the Tea Party backed Mourdock of gambling with state "pensions on junk bonds" and alleges he "risked thousands of Hoosier jobs" by filing a lawsuit against the Chrysler bankruptcy on behalf of two pension funds. The petition went all the way to the Supreme Court, but the justices denied the motion.Check it out:Fact-checking organizations, however, have said called out previous Lugar ads criticizing Mourdock over the issue and point out the Tea Party challenger did not run the fund that lost over $1 million.Mourdock says the ad is "the last gasp of a very desperate campaign."UPDATE: A reader pointed out another Lugar spelling error, but this one might ignite a nerd debate.In the commercial, the Lugar campaign spells "judgement."As many writers, newpapers editors and published authors will point out, "judgement" is the British version while "judgment" is American. But as some scholars have argued, common spelling mistakes "should be accepted" as a variant in everyday use. You decide.Last month, the six-term incumbent ran an ad that clearly misspelled the word candidate. The campaign quickly corrected the error.