The Kentucky Public Service Commission has set a public meeting for Louisville residents to weigh in on a proposed switch from coal to natural gas at the Cane Run Power Station.In September, Louisville Gas and Electric announced that it was planning to retire its coal-fired Cane Run Power Plant and replace it with a natural gas generating facility. Two other plants—in Muhlenberg and Woodford counties—will also be retired. LG&Eis proposing the change be made by 2016, in response to new federal air pollution regulations.But the company’s proposal still has to be approved by the Public Service Commission, and they’re seeking public input. LG&E wants to construct a 640 megawatt gas plant on the Cane Run site, as well as buy a smaller gas power plant in Oldham County. The smaller plant will run only when there’s peak demand.The company estimates the project will cost nearly $700 million, which includes the new plant, purchasing the plant in LaGrange and running a natural gas pipeline to Cane Run.The meeting is set for Thursday, March 8 at Shacklette Elementary. Comments can also be mailed to the PSC at P.O. Box 615, Frankfort, KY 40602 or emailed directly through the commission’s website.