Two Metro Council Members will be in southwest Louisville tonight for a community meeting. They’ll be talking about coal ash at Louisville Gas and Electric’s two Jefferson County power plants.The meeting is sponsored by 12th District Councilman Rick Blackwell and 1st District Councilwoman Attica Woodson Scott. They’ve invited state lawmakers and the Sierra Club, as well as residents of southwest Louisville.Those living near LG&E’s two coal plants—Mill Creek and Cane Run—have complained of coal ash leaving the open air landfillsand contaminating their homes. Last year, LG&E was cited by the Air Pollution Control District for violations of their permit at Cane Run, but residents say the problems have continued.Attica Scott says the meeting is a chance for residents to get information about their options.“What we want is for people to learn more about the Air Pollution Control District and how we can hold LG&E more accountable for the coal ash that’s landing on peoples’ homes and property and affecting people’s health,” she said.Scott says LG&E officials have not been invited to the meeting.The meeting is tonight at 7:00 at the Southwest Government Center, 7219 Dixie Highway.