The first statewide audit from new Auditor Adam Edelen has uncovered some familiar problems.Edelen is required to conduct an audit of all state agencies every year. His first report was released this morning. You can read it here.In it, Edelen takes many state agencies to task. That includes the Department of Military Affairs and the Kentucky Horse Park, which the report says incurred expensive and unnecessary fees for paying invoices too late.He also says state Treasurer Todd Hollenbach has yet to fully reconcile the state books on a month-by-month basis. However, the report says the books are in order by the end of the year, which wasn’t the case previously.The Personnel Cabinet got the harshest review. The report says the cabinet did not test its new data system properly and has been mismanaging it.The statewide audit comes in two parts. The second part deals with how Kentucky spends its federal grants. It will be released next month.