A Hamilton County, Indiana jury has found Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White guilty of six felony counts. The convictions mean White is also out of a job. White was convicted of three counts of voter fraud, two counts of perjury and one count of theft related to his voter registration during the 2010 Republican primary. Prosecutors say White used his ex-wife’s address on his voter registration form to protect his seat on the Fischers Town Council while he ran for state office, when he was actually living in a townhouse with his fiancé outside the district.Each conviction carries a penalty of up to three years in prison.The jury returned its verdict about 2:00am today after getting the case early Friday afternoon. The panel acquitted White of the most serious charge against him, fraud on a financial institution.White says he plans to ask the judge to reduce the convictions to misdemeanors at sentencing, so he can reclaim his job. Governor Mitch Daniels has appointed White’s chief deputy, Jerry Bonnet, to serve as interim Secretary of State.White’s attorney did not present any defense witnesses or evidence during the trial. He told the Indianapolis Star after the verdict that he did not regret that decision.White defeated Democrat Vop Osili in the 2010 general election.