As usual, we covered the major metro news stories of the week in the first segment of State of the News, getting started with the city budget deficit and some ideas to address it; Phillip Bailey provided an overview of the story. Devin Katayama explained the findings of the JCPS curriculum audit, and the subsequent recommendations from from Phi Delta Kappa International. He also discussed the revised nutrition standards being implemented into the school lunch program. It's been a big week at the Metropolitan Sewer District, and Erica Peterson provided a rundown of the new ethics policy adopted in the aftermath of their audit. Finally, Phillip Bailey had the latest on the complaints over Mayor Greg Fischer's campaign finances.In segment two we caught up with KPR Capital Bureau Chief Kenny Colston for a round up of statehouse news of the week. Major stories included the redistricting decision and response, including lawsuits; the progress of the gambling bill; and movement on the bill that would raise the high school dropout age in Kentucky. We then spoke with Shelly Baskin from WKMS in Murray, on the tragic murder of Hickman, KY Mayor Charles Murphy. Moving across the river, Indiana statehouse reporter Brandon Smith helped sort out the latest with Indiana’s controversial right to work legislation.In segment three, Rick Edmonds from the Poynter Institute checked in to discuss the impact of audience reactions at the GOP debates, and whether audience interaction should be allowed. We also reviewed the impact of Google’s new privacy policy and terms of service with NPR’s Steve Henn.
State of the News 1/27/12