1:06pm: Former Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky waived his right to a preliminary court hearing, which means his case goes straight to trial. We'll get an update on those developments.1:12pm: An economic historian says businesses and governments don’t drive growth and never have—consumer spending does. James Livingston has written about his controversial theory in Against Thrift: Why Consumer Culture is Good for the Economy, the Environment, and Your Soul. He joins us this hour.Politicians and economic development officials like to promote so-called "magic bullets." Build this attraction, lure this industry, and our state will prosper. Do those big projects ever pay off? We’ll continue a four part series today looking at the booming industry to produce advanced lithium batteries.The Environmental Protection Agency has regulated toxic air pollution for most industries, but not the biggest polluters: coal and oil-burning power plants. That changes later this week, and we’ll consider the impact.