Occupy Louisville demonstrators joined a nationwide protest Thursday called “We Are the 99 Percent.”The protests were partly to acknowledge the two month anniversary of the original Occupy Wall Street movement; but they were also motivated by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s decision to force demonstrators from Zuccotti Park this week.“A lot of the events that have happened in Yew York, Portland, and Denver over the last week it’s really broadened into a movement from the 99 percent saying that we support the occupy movement and we don’t want the mayors of these cities clamping down on the first amendment rights,” said Keith Rouda a member of the civic action group Move On, which helped organize Louisville’s protest.Hundreds of cities have scheduled similar rallies Thursday in support of the occupy movement. Occupy Louisville may be considered tame when compared to similar occupy movements nationwide. Protestors in Portland, Oakland and New York have clashed with police, while Louisville demonstrators continue to maintain a good relationship with city government. But protestors in Louisville want to be heard.“There are people here who have lost jobs, people here who have lost houses, there are people here who have been fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan and who have come back to the realization that we are squandering our nation’s wealth in these wars and that we have important needs at home,” Rouda said.Occupy Louisville organizers began a week of events to raise awareness of its cause on Sunday.