Louisvillians who want to prepare for next year's planting season can get early advice tomorrow when the Jefferson County Extension office holds its annual open house. The Extension office is a joint partnership between the state’s two land grant institutions—Kentucky State and the University of Kentucky—that focuses on agriculture and horticulture and runs programs like 4-H.Extension secretary Donna Browne says the open house will highlight Extension activities that go beyond simple gardening.“We can help you if you want to plant a garden, save some money, grow your own vegetables,” she said. “And then if you want to take it further, we can help you learn how to can them. We can offer programs for your children and get them involved in all kinds of educational opportunities.”The open house will include activities, food and demonstrations—like how to make tailgate caviar (black-eyed pea salsa) and plant propagate.The open house is 10:00 to 2:00 tomorrow at the Urban Government Center.