New samples taken by Louisville Metro Government confirm earlier evidence that coal ash is leavingLouisville Gas and Electric’s Cane Run Power Station and contaminating nearby homes.Samples analyzed by LG&E months ago showed high concentrations of ash on a nearby home, but the company qualified the results by pointing out that ash may have been building up for several years.Now, the Air Pollution Control District has new evidence that ash is present even on newly-washed homes. Samples taken during an equipment malfunction in August found ash on a nearby home—one that was power-washed only three weeks earlier.Greg Walker lives across the street from the plant. He wasn’t surprised by the test results.“There’s just too much dust blowing around,” he said. “It keeps building up on my house. You clean it off, it comes back. You clean it off, it comes back again.”Terri Phelps of the Air Pollution Control District says the recent sampling will be taken into account when the agency issues a notice of violation to the company for the equipment failure.An LG&E spokesman says the company plans to discuss the test results internally tomorrow.