In a further attempt to nationalize the race for governor of Kentucky, Republican challenger David Williams says President Obama's jobs proposal reminds him of how Democratic Governor Steve Beshear handled the state budget.The president will outline a plan before a joint session of Congress Thursday evening and early reports show it calls for $300 billion in tax cuts and federal aid.Williams, who is the state Senate president, says Beshear should call on Mr. Obama to help economic growth in the state by repealing the health care overhaul and eliminating environment regulations on the coal industry.From the Williams campaign:"President Barack Obama’s idea of economic stimulus reminds me of Governor Beshear’s idea of balancing the state budget—borrow deeply and send future generations the bill. Although I won’t hold my breath, I call on Governor Beshear to send a message on behalf of all Kentuckians to his close ally in the White House that the keys to job creation are controlling spending, reducing taxes, eliminating unnecessary regulations, repealing Obamacare and ending the war on Kentucky coal.
My view is that low taxes, cheap electricity and stopping the bureaucratic stranglehold on American small businesses are keys to promoting growth and prosperity. Unfortunately those ideas will never see the light of day under a second term for President Obama or Governor Beshear.
The Obama-Beshear agenda will only lead to unacceptably high levels of unemployment, robbing families and future generations of their chance to live the American dream."
For months, Williams has attempted to tie the governor to President Obama, who is very unpopular in the state. The latest polls show Williams trailing Beshear by almost 30 points.The Beshear campaign has yet to comment for this story.