In a terse press release, Lexington attorney Gatewood Galbraith's communications director Nicole Bartlett criticizes the state's two major newspapers for ignoring the independent gubernatorial candidate's campaign.Bartlett says Kentucky news outlets of focusing only on the major party candidates–incumbent Democrat Steve Beshear and Republican state Senate President David Williams. In the release, Bartlett highlights pieces from the Louisville Courier-Journal's Joe Gerth and Lexington Herald-Leader's Jack Brammer that dismiss Galbraith's leads in "unscientific" web polls and mention Galbraith's poor showings in fundraising and past elections (Galbraith previously ran for governor as a Democrat and has netted between 5 and 15 percent of the primary vote).From Bartlett:Adequate news reporting should not be solely reliant on the amount of money each candidate has raised as the single determining factor of the success or failure of candidates especially when a journalist is specifically taking a shot in the dark in the first place.
She goes on to paint the coverage as irresponsible and unethical, saying it's the responsibility of the press to give candidates fair treatment.There is little doubt these lapses skew, censor and attempt to make relevant or irrelevant polls, is occurring for the purpose to negate the obvious success of the campaign to affect the outcome.