The intersection of Bardstown Road and Eastern Parkway came to a halt Saturday night as a flash mob erupted between Tony Boombozz and Qdoba at 7 pm. The Facebook-organized flash mob ultimately saw several hundred people gather along the sidewalks to watch participants tilt their heads back and flop their arms around, mimicking a dance scene in the movie Weekend at Bernie's 2.In the minutes leading up to 7, onlookers of all ages percolated with anticipation, holding cameras and phones aloft to capture the coming frenzy. Several police officers casually monitored the growing crowds. As the song "Movin' Like Bernie" began blasting from a nearby speaker, spectators clamored to see who would begin dancing. As a number of participants began flailing themselves like a dead person, a crowd swarmed the northwest corner of the block and filled the westbound lanes of Eastern Parkway.The mob remained relatively subdued even with a few crowd surfers. After the song ended, police began ushering people off the street and the crowd dispersed. Ultimately, more seemed inclined to capture the event than participate. A booth outside Tony Boombozz sold t shirts memorializing the occasion, while a Bernie look-alike took pictures with anyone who asked.