The Kentucky Equality Federal will move forward with a demonstration tomorrow in Hazard, even though they've largely made peace with city officials.The demonstration stems from an alleged act of discrimination last week. A city employee told two gay men, who are also developmentally disabled, to leave the public pool, reportedly because they were gay. KEF president Jordan Palmer says the mayor and other Hazard officials have apologized, and his organization is not planning any legal action against the city."The only thing that we're going forward with is we're demanding that this person be reassigned to another area of city government. We have to show compassion, even though he didn't show compassion when he threw them out. But if we don't show compassion, we're no better than he is," he says.Palmer says if the organization for the mentally challenged that took the men to the pool or the men's parents want to sue, the KEF's legal team will provide assistance.