Secretary of State Elaine Walker is predicting low voter turnout for Tuesday’s primary election in Kentucky, even though voter registration numbers are up.A record 2.9 million Kentuckians are now registered to vote. That’s 11,000 more than in the 2008 General Election, the previous record. But getting voters excited about Tuesday’s primary appears to be a tough sale, says Secretary of State Elaine Walker. She’s predicting voter turnout of around nine to ten percent.“And I hope I’m proved wrong," she says. "I hope that we can get people to turnout to vote in this primary, but unfortunately that’s not where we see the voter turnout ending up right now.”The previous record low was in 1999, when the state had a 6.4 percent primary turnout. Walker says flooding in western Kentucky will require a couple of polling locations in Livingston County to be relocated, but elsewhere no major problems have been reported.