Several local organizations will participate in a May Day march and rally on Sunday. The march will culminate at the Chow Wagon on Witherspoon Street and feature soapbox speakers as well as entertainers.Kentucky Jobs with Justice representative Attica Scott says this is the latest in a series of local demonstrations against legislation in Wisconsin and Ohio that restricts union collective bargaining.“What is amazing about the progression of these rallies and now leading up to this march is that we’ve seen it grow, this is this ground swell of this movement happening and so what people are doing is saying let’s stand up and stand in solidarity together today so that we make it clear to our elected officials that you don’t need to bring any of that around here," she says.Scott hopes the rally will help spread awareness not only of worker’s rights issues, but also for the plight of immigrants. She says she would like to see comprehensive and progressive immigration legislation passed in Kentucky and other states.