by Sheila AshDemolition is underway on several abandoned apartment buildings to make room for new houses in southwest Louisville.Construction is set to begin early next year on 38 new single-family homes in the Ridgemont Neighborhood just off Cane Run Road. The houses will replace several abandoned apartment buildings that have been plagued with crime and violence.The Housing Partnership Inc. will oversee the construction. President Mike Hynes says the project is designed to increase home ownership in Louisville."We’ll have down payment assistance available, we want to make it attractive for people to buy in, first time home buyers," he says. "The Housing Partnership has a home ownership counseling division and so our goal is ultimately to create sustainable home owners and affordable housing opportunities for them."The two and three bedroom homes will range in price from 115 to 150 thousand dollars. The 11.5 million dollar project is being funded with federal Neighborhood Stabilization Grant Funds.