From Kentucky Public Radio's Tony McveighLawmakers took January 18 off in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but return Tuesday for Gov. Steve Beshear’s budget address.House Speaker Greg Stumbo says the governor needs to propose a balanced budget using existing revenue streams. That means no gambling revenue.“If he were going to present a budget that would anticipate revenues from gaming legislation, it would be obviously impossible – if there was no bill filed – that would even permit that at the time that he gave his speech,” Stumbo said.Senate President David Williams doesn’t want gambling revenue in the budget either. “What the governor needs to understand is that this scheme to advance gambling without a vote of the people is not going to work,” said Williams.Legislative leaders will get a budget briefing Tuesday morning. The governor’s address to a joint session of the General Assembly is at 7:00pm EST Tuesday.WFPL, in association with Kentucky Educational Television, will air the governor’s speech.