A group of single-payer healthcare advocates is camped out in the lobby of the Humana building in Louisville.More than 20 protesters, including Carla Wallace, entered the building at mid-morning."We'll stay here. I guess we'll just stay overnight. I think this is a life and death issue," she says. "We want Humana and all the healthcare providers in this country to stop cutting people off who have pre-existing conditions, to stop denying care to the sickest people among us, and to make health care affordable and available for everyone."Humana Spokesperson Jim Turner says the group is welcome to stay in the lobby as long as they are peaceful.
"The folks who come out and demonstrate like this here in Louisville are always very peaceful and respectful and we've seen that even in the lobby," he says.Turner says Humana also wants to see changes made to the nation's health care system, but did not elaborate.Similar protests have led to more than 70 arrests nationwide over the past several months.