From Lisa Autry, Kentucky Public Radio/WKYU, Bowling GreenKentucky Governor Steve Beshear is shrugging off a recording of his Lt. Governor that's been posted on numerous internet sites.Dan Mongiardo is heard to say on the audio clip that Beshear will be remembered as the state's "worst" governor, and he goes on to criticize Beshear for offering little fundraising help in Mongiardo's bid for the U.S. Senate.But Beshear dismisses the tape as typical politics and suspects some chicanery may have been involved."I remember back in my gubernatorial campaign they Photoshopped my face onto somebody else's body and had it on something. People have a lot of ingenuity with this kind of stuff these days. But you know it's political prankstership," Beshear said Tuesday. A spokesperson for Mongiardo's campaign says the tape was edited and that the Lt. Governor strongly support Beshear. The clip, which also contains a profanity, was first posted on YouTube by someone with the user name senrace2010.