A workgroup comprised of Kentucky and Indiana government and business leaders has taken the first step to jumpstart the Ohio River Bridges Project.
Meeting Tuesday in Louisville, the eight person panel unanimously approved the only action item on its agenda: a resolution calling for the creation of a bi-state authority to oversee the $4.1 billion project.Panel member and Indiana businessman Cary Stemler says after years of study and debate, it's time to move forward with the bridges in downtown Louisville and eastern Jefferson County."We spent the money, we spent the time to study it and to develop the plan. It's our role and responsibilty to execute the plan," Stemler said.The resolution recommends the 14 member bi-state authority be appointed, most of them by the governors of Kentucky and Indiana.The Ohio River Bridges Project also includes the reconfiguration of Spaghetti Junction.The project's opponents include River Fields, which has filed suit against the plan for an east end bridge, and the group 8664, which wants to reconstruct a portion of Interstate-64 instead of building a downtown bridge.More information about the bridges project can be foundhere.