The Jefferson Circuit Court of former high school football coach Jason Stinson has begun. He's charged with reckless homicide and wanton endangerment in the heat stroke death of one of his players.Fifteen year old linebacker Max Gilpin (pictured) collapsed during practice at Pleasure Ridge Park High School on a sweltering August afternoon in 2008.He died three days later.Prosecutors contend that Stinson denied his players water and forced them to run extra wind sprints that day because they weren’t practicing hard enough.But Stinson’s defense team says there were sufficient water breaks and the prescription drug Adderall could have contributed to the teen’s heat stroke.Many of Stinson’s former players and students are rallying behind him at his trial, including Cody Lankford."He’s a great guy, you know you can go to him with anything, ask him anything. He’s always had an open door policy, just a great guy, anything you need. He’d take the shirt off his back for you," Lankford said outside the courtroom Monday.A jury is expected to be seated Tuesday.(Photo from