Growing hardy hibiscus – and sexual cannibalism in the insect world – are the odd couple of garden stories served up on HomeGrown this week. Author Barbara Perry Lawton talks about the care, feeding and pruning of the hardy varieties of hibiscus. Dr. Bill Brown adds teeth to the show with jaw-dropping information on the sexual habits of the praying mantis, among other carnivorous bugs. Delve into nature, both beautiful and alien, on this edition of HomeGrown. Downloadable MP3Find out more:
- “Hibiscus” by Barbara Perry Lawton
- Barbara Perry Lawton bio
- Hardy hibiscus cultivars at a glance
- American Gardener Magazine
- Dr. William Brown/SUNY Fredonia
- Sexual cannibalism (Wikipedia)
- Best of both worlds
Karen Mullen’s max security tomato cages (click to view full size):