Congressman John Yarmuth of Louisville says he'll conduct a town hall meeting on Wednesday, September 2 at Central High School to discuss the various health care overhaul plans under consideration on Capitol Hill.
While some town halls held elsewhere this month have grown contentious, Yarmuth says he believes most people who come to the meetings want to have a dialogue about what's being proposed.The Democrat says he has pledged to vote against any plan that doesn't include the so-called public option that has generated much of the heated debate, but he'd also like to hear more about a proposal that would create a co-op to compete with private insurance companies."I just want to make sure we begin to reform the health care system, make sure everyone in America has access to quality, affordable care, that nobody goes bankrupt because of illness or disease and that nobody dies unnecesarily. So whatever reform can do that, I'm for," Yarmuth said Monday.In addition to the September 2 meeting, Yarmuth is also conducting a series of telephone town halls this month.