Norton Hospital said its downtown emergency department, damaged by last week's heavy rains and flooding, would re-open at 7:00pm Monday, August 10.Much of Sts. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital in south Louisville remains closed due to flood damage. Officials are hoping to re-open the emergency and radiology departments this week.The U.S. Postal Service says about 1,100 pieces of mail were destroyed last week when more than a dozen collection boxes were submerged by flood water. The include one box at 3rd and York Streets, one box at 7th and York, two boxes at the Beechmont Post Office on West Woodlawn Avenue and 12 boxes on Main Street between 3rd and 9th streets.Louisville Metro Government officials say damage assessment from the flood continues. A dollar figure could be reached this week.Debris drop-off sites remain open at Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium, the Morris-Forman Treatment Plant and at 18th and Broadway. The sites are now accepting flood-damaged hazardous household materials.