A settlement has been reached in a discrimination complaint filed by two gay customers against the McDonald's hamburger chain.American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky Executive Director Michael Aldridge says the complaint stemmed from an incident last July at the McDonalds on East Market Street in Louisville, where Ryan Marlatt, Teddy Eggers and some friends stopped in for lunch."(They) were called a series of anti-gay slurs by one of the employees. They asked for an apology and a refund of their money and to see a manager. The manager came out and repeated some of these slurs and refused to refund their money," Aldridge said.Aldridge says the ACLU filed a complaint on behalf of Marlatt and Eggers with the Louisville Metro Human Relations Commission, which negotiated the settlement.It calls for McDonald's to provide diversity training for management at 30 of its Louisville-area restaurants, and includes a cash payment of two-thousand dollars to the two plaintiffs.