The Louisville Metro Council has approved an e-transparency ordinance.The measure calls for the creation of a website to provide public access to Metro Government financial information."There are categories like contracts and so forth," says legislation co-sponsor Ken Fleming. "You can go through and see how much money is spent on a particular contract. You can see how much money is spent on travel, repairs, computers, whatever the case may be. It doesn't get down to a minute level because that would just be a logistical nightmare. Furthermore, it might confuse people."Much of the information will be put online in the coming year. The contracts will take more time to scan and revue and will be posted over the next two years.The site will cost about $45,000. But Ken Fleming says it will not require additional staff."Right now there's an individual that spends half their time going through and doing these open records requests and so forth. Now she is spending her other time somewhere else," he says.The legislation passed 25 to 0 with one member not voting.