Seven Louisville parks are scheduled to have splash grounds installed in the next two years as part of the Louisville Metro Parks Department's new aquatics plan.The plan calls for splashgrounds to be built in Algonquin, Wyandotte, Shelby and Farnsley Parks this summer and in the Portland, Fairdale and Shawnee areas next year.The splashgrounds are less expensive to build and operate than outdoor pools because they require minimal staff and construction.Parks Director Mike Heitz says he thinks splashgrounds are the future for outdoor aquatic recreation, but the new plan does not call for any pools to close."We're keeping our commitment that we're going to retain and keep operating the four outdoor pools that we currently have and of course the Mary T. Meagher Natatorium," he says.Five swimming pools were closed last year due to budget cuts, prompting some protests and attempts to re-open the facilities.The new aquatics plan also calls for two new natatoriums, but a timeline for their construction has not been set.