Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson says every city employee union should be prepared for cuts.Abramson made the announcement after meeting with the heads of several unions. He says he discussed various cost-cutting measures that would avoid layoffs, including delaying pay raises until the end of the year.On Monday, the Fraternal Order of Police rejected Abramson’s proposals. He says the other unions want the FOP to cooperate.“They want to make sure that whatever they might do to join with us to solve this financial problem is shared by everyone who draws a city paycheck," he says.Abramson hopes to reach an agreement with the FOP next week.“We’ll be talking about the situation as it exists, the options that they’re interested in pursuing or any new ideas they might have to be able to join with their colleagues throughout city government in terms of being a part of the solution to this problem rather than being the problem," says Abramson.The Mayor says he plans to announce more cuts after Thanksgiving, and layoffs are still possible.