Third District congressional candidate Anne Northup says she’d like to get back to work on moving forward with drainage projects in southwest Jefferson County if elected. Northup lost her House seat to Democrat John Yarmuth two years ago.Northup held a press conference today to outline projects for which she helped secure funds, projects she says Yarmuth has ignored."It’s a lot of hard work, every day work and collaboration, and that’s the kind of collaboration that I’m running for Congress, to go back and to finish this job," says Northup.But Yarmuth says he’s been constantly monitoring the status of those projects since he took office."This is something that’s we’re talking about all the time," says Yarmuth. "The Mayor and I are in constant conversation, trying to see what kind of federal cooperation and participation we can get to help us with the projects."The most recent Survey USA poll in the race indicates Yarmuth has a 16-point lead over Northup.