Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear received the news he was hoping for from the Environmental Protection Agency: a waiver on the requirement to use only cleaner-burning gas called reformulated gas, or RFG. Several counties are usually under orders to use only RFG because of their smog problems. But RFG is in short supply. So through the end of September, gas suppliers in those areas can look to more readily available fuels. Beshear spokesman Jay Blanton says the hope is to help consumers.“The Governor’s hope with this temporary waiver is that suppliers will have a broader range of options that they can look for for types of gas that they can bring in and that would then take some of the pressure off some of the supply issues confronting the community right now. And if there’s more supply, hopefully that might ease some of the pressure on price that consumers have been experiencing," says Blanton.Blanton believes the limited use of standard gasoline for the rest of the month will not affect air quality much. Cooler temperatures reduce the risk of smog forming from vehicle emissions.