Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Where Do We Put Our Neediest Citizens?
Homeless Shelters. Mental Hospitals. Facilities for domestic violence victims. Housing for people recovering from addiction, or recently released from prison. Everyone knows we need places like these in our communities, but it seems like few of us would welcome them into our own neighborhoods. The not-in-my-backyard attitude stems from fears that when a shelter or halfway house moves in, crime rises and property values drop - but does that really happen? And if no one wants them nearby, where can they go? Join us this Tuesday when we'll talk about where we, as a community, put our neediest citizens.
Related Links:
- Group Opposes Wayside Purchase of Old Mercy Site
- Original Highlands Neighbors Will Resort to Legal Action If Necessary to Prevent Wayside Move
- Neighbors Complain about Behavior of Foster Care Alumni
- Not in My Back Yard, You Don't