Ending months of speculation, Rep. Greg Stumbo of Prestonsburg is making it official. He’s running for the top leadership position in the Kentucky House.He’s been testing the waters for months, talking to House colleagues and gauging support, and now, former House majority leader Greg Stumbo says he’s in. He’s definitely running for House Speaker in January."I’ve been calling members today and that’s correct, I’m announcing my candidacy to the general membership, both Democrats and Republicans," says Stumbo.Stumbo, who has been friends with House Speaker Jody Richards for years, says it’s nothing personal. He just believes Richards has lost the confidence of the chamber."So, I’m gonna offer some ideas about changes we can make, how we can conduct ourselves better, how we can get along with each other better," says Stumbo.Speaker Richards, who has been in the House since 1976, is the longest serving Speaker in Kentucky history. He’s been wielding the gavel since 1995.