Monday, August 18, 2008
This Place We Call Home: A History of Clark County
Clark County Indiana - encompassing Jeffersonville, Clarksville, Charlestown and other Northern neighbors of Louisville - had its beginning in 1783, from land given to George Rogers Clark as a reward for capturing three forts from the British. It was officially organized in 1801, and since then, has seen its fortune rise and fall with the Ohio River. It's been through prosperous and lean times in the steamboat, railroad and manufacturing industries, and, like Louisville, was deeply affected by the flood of 1937. This Monday we learn more about the history of Clark County. Today's show is from our archives, so we won't be taking calls.
Related Links:
- This Place We Call Home: A History of Clark County, Indiana
- Clark County History
- An Early History of Clark County
- George Rogers Clark - History and Homesite
- Lewis & Clark at the Falls of the Ohio