The War"The War" is a Ken Burns documentary that begins airing on KET Sunday, September 23rd at 8pm. The seven part series explores the history of the Second World War by following so-called ordinary men and women who got caught up in one of the worst cataclysms in history.WFPL’s Julie Goodwin talks with KET Director of Programming, Craig Cornwell about the film.StoryCorpsAn Airstream trailer outfitted with a complete recording studio inside will arrive in Louisville later this week. It’s one of the Mobile Booths from a project called StoryCorps. The trailer will be parked in front of the Kentucky Center for about a month, collecting interviews from everyday people.StoryCorps founder Dave Isay says the project is about listening and learning from each other. He spoke with WFPL’s Stephanie Sanders.Emily GoldsteinSixteen-year-old Emily Goldstein will travel to Churchill, Manitoba later this week. She’s representing the Louisville Zoo in a Polar Bear Leadership Camp. Goldstein spoke with WFPL’s Susan Sweeney Crum about her love of animals, what the trip will be like and her aspirations to one day run a zoo or aquarium.State of ActivismThe Reverend Doctor William J. Barber, II, is a busy man. In his home state of North Carolina he leads the congregation at the Greenleaf Christian Church, is President of the state chapter of the NAACP and is the father of five.Reverend Barber is headed to Louisville, but before his visit WFPL’s Robin Fisher talked with him about civil rights, working together and the state of activism today.Everyday MiraclesArdath Rodale, author of "Everyday Miracles", encourages readers to take in the beautiful moments in life and embrace obstacles as chances to grow. Rodale offers tips and ideas for ways to live a more meaningful life.Tune in to Studio 619 this week as WFPL’s Julie Goodwin interviews Rodale.Listen to the show.